Professional native seed supply for the revegetation and rehabilitation industries.

NSA Policies

Native Seeds Australia’s Policies


High ethical standards, accountability, and compliance with the law and legislative obligations, are very important for Native Seeds Australia.

Native Seeds Australia management is responsible for assuring that policy is understood, implemented, and maintained at all levels.

Native Seeds Australia’s Work Health and Safety policy provides for a safe and well managed work environment for all employees.

The objectives of our Work Health and Safety Policy are:

  • To achieve an accident free workplace.
  • To make health and safety an integral part of every managerial and supervisory position.
  • To ensure health and safety is considered in all planning and work activities.
  • To involve our employees in the decision making processes through regular communication, consultation and training.
  • To provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our employees work in the safest possible manner.
  • To identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace though hazard identification and risk analysis.
  • To ensure all potential accident/incidents are controlled and prevented.
  • To provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees.


The NSA Environmental Management Plan is based on and complies with all relevant state and federal legislation.

We continually work to update and maintain relevant policies to stay in line with current legislative changes and to take an adaptive and forward thinking approach to how we operate.